10 Must Visit Places in Bangkok

Bangkok is no doubt one of the most interesting cities in the world. This huge metropolis is the gateway to Southeast Asia, and a complete assault on the senses. This is a place where you will feel truly alive, with traffic filled streets and busy street side vendors and markets, to a rich Buddhist culture […]

India – An Incredible Place to Visit

India is home to some of the most prominent and mind-blowing attractions. It offers some of the most vibrant sun drenched sea-shores along with some green glitzy hillocks. Area wise, India stands seventh in the world and is known for varied and distinguishing cultures and traditions. This beautiful nation is divided into several states depending […]

Norfolk Island

Norfolk Island is one of Australia’s most isolated territories. It is located around 1,600km north-east of Sydney, around half way between New Caledonia and New Zealand. The island has been in the Commonwealth of Australia since 1914 and though it currently has its own legislative assembly, moves are afoot and the Australian government is keen […]

6 Interesting Places to Visit in Ulaanbaatar

There are some beautiful, one-of-a-kind sites to see on your trip to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Some of the most interesting, not-to-be-missed attractions include: Gandantegchelin Monastery, Manzushir Monastery, Ghorki,-Terelj National Park, Hustai National Park, Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve, and the Chinggis Khan Statue Complex. Ulaanbaatar, which has been changing location and name for more than twenty times since […]

Best Mode of Transportation to Travel Around

The sun rises, making it a great start of the day. You want to go to places in this foreign country. So what would be the best mode of transportation to travel about in Japan? The best mode of transportation to take if you are planning to travel far would be the train. The train […]

Top 7 Wet and Wild Water Sports in Sri Lanka

If you are looking for a thrill filled vacation in Sri Lanka then you must try the water sports in Sri Lanka. From the surf haven of Arugam Bay to scuba diving around the reefs of Hikkaduwa coast, you can rediscover the fun and excitement that you will cherish forever. Sri Lanka is an ideal […]

What To Do And See In Rwanda – Rwanda’s Top Tourist Attractions

Rwanda is a landlocked country located in east-central Africa. The country is covered most by steep hills and deep valleys with its highest point being Karisimbi ((14,187 ft; 4,324 m) in the Virunga mountains. Although well known for the horrible history of the genocide, Rwanda is a nice country, with magnificent people, amazing lakes, mountains, […]

Choosing the Best Place to Vacation in Mexico

Deciding on the best place to vacation in Mexico is a matter of determining where your interests lie and what you want out of this vacation. If you are interested in mainly experiencing the Spanish colonial atmosphere of the country, then the best places to visit are Mexico City, Guadalajera, San Jose de Allende and […]

The Snorkeling Tour at Los Arcos Puerto Vallarta

With the approach of summer, and the merciless rays of the sun, every body has one thing in mind. Guess what that is? Well of course water! Drinking chilled drinks, frequent cool showers, water fights amongst friends and swimming; these activities make the most significant parts of our daily routine. There is a special pleasure […]

Tips to Finding the Best Maldives Accommodation

The Maldives is the dream vacation destination for anyone looking for a week away on an exotic island, surrounded by white sandy shorelines and crystal clear turquoise waters. This area is made up by a multitude of coral reefs and islands, though only one hundred and eighty-five of these small islands are inhabited. This is […]